Pumpkin seeds, also known as pepitas are flat, dark green seeds. Some are encased in a yellow-white husk, although some varieties of pumpkins produce seeds without shells.
Anti-parasitic food! Pumpkin seeds are a healthy source of fiber and fat. Pumpkin seeds contain fatty acids that may help get rid of parasites, cleanse blood vessels and stimulate kidney activity.
They’re an excellent source of amino acids arginine, leucine, aspartic acid and glutamic acid that together with other amino acids are used to make muscle protein myosin (an essential component for energy and strong muscular contractions).
Opt for certified, organic, raw pumpkin seeds or real pumpkin seeds from an organic pumpkin. Never purchase nuts or seeds from the bulk bin containers due to rancidity, and fungus and mold infestation.
Helpful Tip: If you have digestive troubles or are lectin-resistant, soaking the seeds (or any other nut or seeds) for 12-15 hours, rinse and allow to dry and roast at low heat is helpful in reducing the phytic acid.
Enjoy pumpkin seeds by themselves, toss into salads, add to your favorite recipe or roast them at a low temperature (170° – 180°) for approximately 15 minutes with coconut oil. Sprinkle with unprocessed Celtic or Himalayan sea salt, cayenne pepper and garlic, or your favorite spices such as cinnamon, ginger and pumpkin pie spice.