Vitamin L is commonly known as the love vitamin. Love is an important nutrient for health, healing and happiness. This vital human emotion, expression and experience is necessary for the optimal functioning of people and all of their cells, tissues and organs. It is found in most of nature — in foods, domestic animals, friends, and family — and is used to heal a wide variety of diseases. There are no toxic effects from a healthy dose of love, but a deficiency of love can cause a wide range of ailments, disease and death.
“Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.” — 1 Corinthians 13:7
Love is the best medicine. Increase the dose!
Sources of Vitamin L. The love vitamin is found in a wide variety of sources, but must be developed and nurtured to be available. Fear, anger, worry, and many other human emotions can destroy vitamin L. It is found readily in most Moms and Dads, and is pretty abundant in grandmas and grandpas.
Love is also found in cats, dogs, horses and other animals, in flowers and birds; and in trees and plants. It is found in home-cooked meals where love is used consciously as an ingredient. It is digested and absorbed easily and used by the body in its pure state, being eliminated almost unchanged.
Functions of Vitamin L. This nutrient acts as the “universal” vitalizing and healing energy, helping to catalyze all human functions and is particularly important to heart function, healing and the circulation of warmth and joy. Digestion is very dependent on appropriate doses of vitamin L, as is the function of the nervous system. Adrenaline, the brain endorphins, natural tranquillizers and other hormones are enhanced by vitamin L as well.
Uses of Vitamin L. The list of uses is even longer than that of the functions. Vitamin L is an important nutrient in all human relations, domestic to international. We should definitely put it in the drinking supply! It is a vital ingredient in all health practitioners, doctors, clinics, and hospitals. Besides being referred to as the “universal” vitamin, Love is also known as the “vitamin of healing.”
Vitamin L Deficiency. There are rarely any serious problems from excess intake of vitamin L. Side effects, however, may include a warm feeling in the chest, goose bumps, and staring blankly into space. Abrupt withdrawal from a regular dose of vitamin L use could be hazardous, as the love vitamin is somewhat addicting.
Requirements vary from person to person. There are no specific RDA’s (Recommended Daily Allowances) for love, although infants and small children usually require fairly large doses. The suggested minimum from the Chinese culture is four hugs per day to maintain health. Recently though, the International Hug Association (IHA) has changed its guidelines and suggests that a minimum of four hugs daily is needed to prevent vitamin L deficiency, six hugs a day for maintenance and ten hugs per day for growth.
A physician once said, “The best medicine for humans is love.” Someone asked, “What if it doesn’t work?” He smiled and said, “Increase the dose.”
Practice this heart-centered meditation every day, especially during challenging times to open and heal your heart.
Sit quietly and close your eyes. Place your right hand on your heart and your left hand on your belly. Direct your attention to your heart as you inhale through your nose and your belly expands. Keep your shoulders, neck, and jaw relaxed. Exhale through your mouth making the sound ‘haaaaw’ (the heart sound).
Scientists at the Institute for Heart Math have found that when subjects focus in the heart area and activate a core-heart feeling such as love, appreciation, or compassion, this focus immediately shifts their heart rhythms, which can change the pattern of activity in your nervous system (sympathetic tone), reduce cortisol, and increase key antibodies of your immune system.
As you practice this breathing meditation, focus on the sounds of your breath and feelings of gratitude, love and appreciation for something you love, a special thing, person, pet, your favorite place or a happy event. Continue for 5-10 minutes. Practice this simple heart centered meditation every day, and you’ll notice subtle shifts in your energy, attitude and healing.
Let all that you do be done in love. — 1 Corinthians 16:14