When was the last time you had an accurate interpretation and blood chemistry analysis of your lab results? Laboratory ranges found on lab test results are so broad that they cannot be used to spot sub-clinical conditions. Did you know that lab normals are not necessarily healthy or optimal? I cannot tell you how often my clients have been told, “your blood work looks perfectly normal or your thyroid is fine.” How would you know?
When most physicians review a patient’s blood test results, their primary concern is any result that falls outside the laboratory reference range. The problem is that standard laboratory reference ranges are too broad and usually represent “average” populations rather than the optimal, ideal or healthy levels required to maintain good health. Most standard reference ranges are too broad to adequately detect health problems or prescribe appropriate therapy on an individual basis. This is especially true when these reference ranges are relied on to treat a patient with a serious medical disorder.
“A functional blood chemistry analysis is one of the best methods of self-care… a valuable investment in your health.”
One of my clients, a woman in her 40’s was deeply concerned about her hair loss and low energy. She had been to a number of doctors who claimed everything was perfectly normal. Needless to say she felt hopeless and frustrated. The results of her blood chemistry analysis revealed several nutrient deficiencies. Her diet consisted of very little protein and minimal amounts of fat. In addition, she had an overgrowth of Candida and low thyroid function. In just 4-1/2 months of implementing dietary changes, removing inflammatory insults, eliminating food sensitivities, supporting her microbiome, making changes in her environment, and nourishing her body with nutrients to support her biochemistry she is no longer experiencing hair loss. Her hair is growing back and it’s thicker! She’s sleeping more soundly throughout the night, has an abundance of energy throughout the day, is no longer experiencing bloating or cravings, and what she loves the most is the 18 pound weight loss!
Many universities and doctors have developed “optimal” ranges for lab values. The lifelong work of one of my mentors, Dr. Harry Eidenier, Jr., Ph.D., (known as the grandfather of functional blood chemistry analysis) and others including Dr. Jonathan Wright, M.D., Dr. James LaValle and Abrishamian, Tipps, Cessna all support the fact that optimal lab ranges can be used to recognize conditions that puzzle the doctors.
Functional blood chemistry analysis
Take control and responsibility for your health and balance your body chemistry with nutrition via a functional blood chemistry analysis. Test to assess, don’t guess!
Nutrition is a science, but it is also an art. Using it to balance body chemistry in a human and the difference it can make in the performance of that person is like a master piano tuner and the difference it can make in the sound of his instrument once tuned. —Dr. Harry Eidenier, Jr., Ph.D., author and grandfather of Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis, Scientist, Researcher and Biochemist
* Fasting glucose is a simple test that reveals a great deal about your health. Glucose is the main sugar found in your blood. It’s formed by the digestion of carbohydrates and the conversion of glycogen in the liver.
Every glucose rise of 1 point above 84, increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 6%. For example, a glucose level of 85, the risk percentage is 6%; at 86, 12%; 87, 18% and so on. Decreased glucose can be an indication to rule out hypoglycemia and adrenal dysfunction.
High blood sugar (95 and higher) can indicate that you are:
High blood sugar is inflammatory, which influences the immune system. High blood sugar affects kidney function, brain function, memory, hormonal health, mood, levels of anxiety, depression, aches and pains, and overall health.
* Higher levels of hemoglobin A1C (a measure of a person’s average blood glucose or sugar in the blood over a 2-3 month period) are linked to lower cognitive function, dementia, and a risk factor for diabetes. HbA1C is a primary biomarker for pre-diabetes and diabetes. An elevated HbA1C indicates overall diet and reveals that the individual is eating an excessive amount of processed carbohydrates, grains, fructose, sugars and alcohol.
* Increased uric acid has to do with systemic inflammation. Uric acid is the most abundant antioxidant in the blood. Its values increase as a result of inflammation, methylation dysfunction, gout, alcoholism, GI inflammation, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and lead toxicity. Sugar, fructose and beer will spike uric acid.
* A high HDL (>80) is not necessarily an indication that the person is super healthy. Those with an HDL (>80) are either inflamed, infected, or eat a bad diet. Inflammation causes your HDL to become dysfunctional, therefore a need to rule out mycotoxins, inflammation, infection, bad diet, nutritional deficiencies, etc. Identify the root cause!
* Fasting glucose >100, HbA1C >5.7 and elevated triglycerides equate to an early warning sign that you’re insulin resistant.
* High-sensitivity c-reactive protein (hs-CRP) is the best vascular inflammation marker. An elevated CRP is the body’s cry for repair. Also, consider hidden infections in the oral cavity.
* When total cholesterol is normal with decreased triglycerides and increased HDL, the probability of an autoimmune disorder should be ruled out.
* There is an increased risk of dementia, heart disease and cognitive disorders in relation to homocysteine levels. Increased homocysteine (>8) is linked with 2x the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease compared to those with lower levels. Elevated homocysteine can be the result of vitamin D, vitamin B12 and folate deficiencies, dairy intolerance, dysbiosis or increased bone loss. Low folate and elevated homocysteine levels are associated with an increased risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
* When monocytes, eosinophils and basophils are elevated collectively this is an indication to rule out the possibility of parasites.
* If neutrophils are increased (>60) in conjunction with decreased lymphocytes (<24) and either a low (<5) or high (>8) WBC, the possibility of an underlying bacterial infection must be factored in and ruled out.
* Elevated creatinine levels often reveal prostate problems before an elevated PSA. Those with increased muscle mass can also have slightly higher creatinine levels.
* An increased BUN often points to hypochlorhydria or dehydration. A low BUN value is found with protein malnutrition and sometimes adrenal hypofunction.
For a deeper understanding of how to balance your body chemistry with nutrition, contact my office for your Blood Chemistry Analysis, a functional analysis designed to evaluate your metabolic status and indicate those food and supplemental food factors that are either excessive or insufficient in your diet. Annual blood work is one of the smartest things you can do for your health. Remember, just because lab values fall within so-called normal ranges, does not mean healthy or optimal.