Over the years, I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to help hundreds of men and women restore their health and heal naturally. Here’s just a few of the testimonials and success stories from clients I’ve worked with that you’ll find truly inspirational. Inspirational Testimonials and Success Stories Sherry’s Success Story. Before I started working with […]
Client Success Story: Jeanne’s Testimonial After several years of not feeling well and having concerns about my overall health, I decided I could no longer push away my anxieties or accept that at the age of 67 I was just “aging.” In 2012, I had my gallbladder removed in an emergency situation because it was […]
Breast Implant Illness is the name given to various symptoms and illnesses reported by women who have experienced adverse health conditions and chronic problems with their health after implantation. There has been a great deal of controversy and unanswered questions regarding breast implant illness and the safety of breast implants especially after the FDAs confirmation of […]
Here’s another success story and testimonial from one of my clients who was experiencing chronic pain that was so debilitating she could barely function. Testimonial – Sandra’s Success Story How I got rid of chronic pain I am 46 years young, have a wonderful, hardworking husband and two amazing teenagers. My life is very busy […]