Seasonal allergies affect an estimated 40-60 million people! Our pets also suffer from seasonal allergies. Those with compromised immune systems, asthma, COPD and other respiratory conditions are especially affected by seasonal allergies.
Trees, flowers and weeds bloom and release pollen causing seasonal allergies. Allergy symptoms are basically caused by inflammation, an imbalanced immune system and a sluggish detoxification system. Seasonal allergies also are linked to sleep apnea, which in turn is linked to high blood pressure and cardiovascular conditions.
Side effects of OTC allergy medications. Many people that suffer with seasonal allergies resort to OTC allergy medications without realizing their side effects (eye, nose and mouth dryness, drowsiness, abdominal pain, heart palpitations, headaches, depressed immune defense, and an increased risk of dementia). Allergy meds also have a rebound effect (the more you use them, the more you need them). These drugs are not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or those with thyroid problems, glaucoma, hypertension, kidney, liver or heart disease.
The good news is that you don’t have to suffer with itchy, watery eyes, sneezing, congestion and other miserable allergy symptoms. You’ll experience tremendous relief with the following natural remedies. It’s important to implement the following natural remedies at least 3-4 weeks before symptoms typically arise.
Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies
Food as Medicine for Seasonal Allergies
Include these immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory foods:
- a variety of seasonal organic leafy greens, plants and veggies
- Grass-fed, organic and pasture-raised meats
- Wild fish and other omega-3 rich foods
- Coconut oil
- Fresh organic pineapple, which contains bromelain (an enzyme reduces inflammation and helps to break-up mucous)
- Papaya, a natural antihistamine that is rich in vitamin C
- Organic nettle leaf tea
- Ginger, turmeric (curcumin), cinnamon, garlic
- Hot chili peppers, cayenne pepper, spicy mustard, and horseradish act as natural decongestants
- Locally sourced raw, organic honey
- Homemade chicken soup
- Filtered water with Celtic sea salt or pink Himalayan salt
Paula’s Potent Power Potion Recipe for Seasonal Allergies
- 1 garlic clove
- large knuckle of freshly grated ginger root or 2 tsp ginger
- 2 large pieces of fresh organic turmeric root or 2 tsp organic turmeric
- 1 tsp Ceylon cinnamon, a pinch of black pepper and 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
- 2 tablespoons local raw, organic honey
- 1-2 tablespoons coconut oil or coconut cream
- one whole pineapple, peeled and cut (the pineapple must be fresh and organic). The powerful healing enzymes are destroyed and void in frozen and canned pineapple.
- One whole lemon, sliced plus the juice from 6 lemons
- 2 scoops of either Collagen peptide powder or Nutriclear Detox powder
Blend the above ingredients in a Vitamix or high-powered blender. Drink and enjoy!
Avoid inflammatory immune-suppressors: dairy products, sugar, wheat, grains, gluten, artificial sweeteners, corn, soy, peanuts, GMOs, rancid vegetable oils, food preservatives, and processed foods.
- Alcohol, especially red wine and beer can make seasonal allergies worse because they contain histamines formed naturally as part of the wine- and beer-making process.
- Limit intake of high histamine foods and beverages including kombucha
- Avoid grains and wheat, which can cause problems such as itchy eyes and skin, congestion, asthma, mucous and sore throats. The culprit in wheat is gluten, a protein that triggers an autoimmune response thus causing inflammation and intestinal permeability (leaky gut).
- Limit caffeine and stimulants that overwork the liver and adrenals.
- If you suffer from ragweed allergy or other weed allergies, avoid melon, cucumber, banana, sunflower seeds, chamomile, Echinacea, all grains, wheat grass, barley and other grasses.
Lifestyle Tips for Seasonal Allergy Relief
- Use a neti pot to irrigate, rinse and cleanse the sinuses. Make your own preservative-free saline solution in a 16 ounce jar: 12 ounces of filtered or distilled water (do not use tap water); one tsp. Celtic sea salt or non-iodized Kosher salt, liquid iodine forte, and one drop of tea tree oil.
- It’s especially important to support and optimize healthy adrenal function, digestive health, and liver function
- Use essential oils such as lavender, eucalyptus, pine and peppermint as a compress, in a diffuser, a few drops in an Epsom salt bath, or apply topically with a carrier oil
- Wash clothing, bedding and pillows often (pet bedding and toys too) in hot water
- Remove your shoes before entering your home.
- Shower prior to going to bed and wash your hair because pollen collects on you throughout the day.
- Bathe pets weekly with a gentle, non-toxic soap and rinse their coat with water and apple cider vinegar mix. After walking your pet outdoors, wipe their paws with a wash cloth that has been soaked in a mixture of water, apple cider vinegar and lavender oil.
- Do not sleep with pets.
- Value the importance of quality sleep and practice relaxation techniques. Stress and extra obligations depress immunity, tax the adrenals and aggravate allergies. Research shows that people with persistent emotional stress and adrenal insufficiency have more frequent allergy flare-ups, so be sure you’re tending to your emotional health.
- Test for and rule out Candida overgrowth, heavy metal toxicity, parasites, leaky gut, H.pylori, viral and bacterial infections
- Consider chiropractic and acupuncture (both are very effective for allergies)
- Be aware of the many sources of indoor pollution (carpet, mattresses, pillows, HVAC air handler and coil, prior water damage, mycotoxins and mold) that can contribute to total burden of suffering from allergies, sinus issues, asthma and many other health problems.
- Use HEPA filters in your home and office, and change them often.
Nutrients for Seasonal Allergy Relief
It’s best to start these 2-3 weeks before the pollen gets bad and continue using them throughout the allergy season.
- Vitamin C, a powerful antihistamine
- Vitamin D
- Zinc
- Nettles, also known as stinging nettles is a potent antihistamine and anti-inflammatory
- Quercetin limits production and release of histamine relieving nasal congestion and sinus pressure. It works best when taken continuously during allergy season on an empty stomach.
- Probiotics enhance immunity and can reduce the symptoms of seasonal allergies
- Omega-3 fatty acids
- Turmeric (curcumin), a powerhouse anti-inflammatory
- Proteolytic enzymes taken on an empty stomach to reduce inflammation and thin mucous
- Coenzyme Q10 to counter histamines
- Hydrochloric acid (HCl) and digestive enzymes
- Butterbur, as a natural antihistamine
- N-acetylcysteine (NAC) helps restore glutathione (the master antioxidant) levels
Everyone’s immune system is different. What works for one person, may not be effective for the next. Minimize allergen exposure and experiment with these natural allergy remedies until you find a combination that provides optimum relief for you. Always consult with your practitioner before taking supplements, especially if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding or taking medication.
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