pesticides Archives - Paula Owens

Paul Owens - Functional Health Expert

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Clinical Pearls from the 2013 IAACN Conference

One of my favorite educational conferences to attend is the annual International & American Associations of Clinical Nutritionists (IAACN Conference), a scientific symposium. The topic and focus of this years 4-day symposium was “Epigenomics and Orthomolecular Nutrition: Keys to Sculpting Optimal Health” with presentations from some of the most brilliant doctors and researchers including Drs. […]

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12 Harmful Ingredients to Avoid

If your goal is to lose weight, look, think, feel and function your best, and live a healthy, vibrant disease-free life, food quality and nutrient-density plus avoiding harmful ingredients and toxic chemicals must be high on your list of priorities. You’ll find harmful ingredients in many items that you may actually think are healthy, often […]

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The Health Hazards of GMOs, Pesticides & Glyphosate

GMOs, pesticides, herbicides and Roundup ready glyphosate have been linked to several health hazards including infertility, immune problems, accelerated aging, significant inflammation, faulty insulin regulation, mitochondrial dysfunction, mental health disorders, autoimmune disease, and changes in major organs and the gastrointestinal system. In the United States, 90% of acres planted are from genetically modified seeds. Genetically […]

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Reduce Exposure to Pesticides: Avoid the Dirty Dozen

Pesticides—Herbicides—GMOs—Glyphosate: What we need to know! Are you aware that pesticides and herbicides have detrimental consequences and negative side effects on our brain, weight, neurological function, hormones, quality of life and overall health? According to The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, 10 of the 12 most dangerous chemicals are pesticides. The average American is […]

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