Antibiotics are one of the most commonly prescribed drugs. They have obviously saved lives as they can eliminate infections that could be deadly. Unfortunately, they are vastly overused and often prescribed unnecessarily, especially for viral infections, colds, flu, sinus infections, and other conditions they were never meant to treat. Antibiotic use is becoming more specific […]
Methylation is an important biochemical process that occurs in every cell and organ of your body. Methylation is the process of taking one carbon molecule and three hydrogen molecules, known as a methyl group, and applying it to every bodily function such as thinking, repairing DNA, turning on and off genes, fighting infections, how the […]
Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency is the sixth biggest killer of Americans and more deadly than excess trans fat intake according to a PLoS Med, 2009 study. Over the past 150 years, the western diet has changed so much that the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids has changed from 1:1 to 1:25 (and even up […]
Acetaminophen is a pain relief drug found in a variety of over-the-counter medications and prescription pain relievers. Tylenol, the most common brand of acetaminophen in the U.S. and over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are among the most sold pharmaceutical drugs worldwide. The active ingredient in Tylenol, acetaminophen is found in more than 600 drugs including […]
Toxic chemicals are everywhere nowadays! They’re in the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, the soil, the personal care products we use and put on our body, the household products we use in our homes, yards and garden, and the environment. The obesity epidemic, the rise in autism, autoimmune disease, […]
Nutrient deficiencies are increasingly common nowadays. A deficiency in any single nutrient can affect thyroid function, hormone production, immune function, energy levels, metabolism, mood, memory, the appearance of your hair, skin and nails, and the overall condition of your health. Increased risk of dementia, heart disease, depression, osteoporosis, and cancer can be attributed to nutrient […]
Study after study has found evidence that exposure to blue light at night from electronics with screens and energy-efficient lighting is harmful to our brain and body, the environment, and detrimental to our health. Exposure to blue light at night, artificial light at night, and working the night shift has been linked to several types […]
Seasonal allergies affect an estimated 40-60 million people! Our pets also suffer from seasonal allergies. Those with compromised immune systems, asthma, COPD and other respiratory conditions are especially affected by seasonal allergies. Trees, flowers and weeds bloom and release pollen causing seasonal allergies. Allergy symptoms are basically caused by inflammation, an imbalanced immune system and […]
Childhood nutrition, raising healthy happy kids, to vaccinate or not, autism, ADHD, medicated kids: these are hot, emotional topics nowadays. Recently, I’ve been presenting information on Childhood Nutrition, Health & Wellness to the Parent Teacher Organizations (PTO) in the Phoenix, AZ area, and wanted to share this valuable information with you as well. In our […]
Our environment and our bodies are increasingly being bombarded by electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), dirty electricity, electromagnetic radiation (EMRs), 4G, 5G and electromagnetic pollution: radio frequency radiation (RFR), poor power quality (aka dirty electricity), low frequency electric and magnetic fields, and ground current. “Dirty electricity can be used to describe electric power that has become corrupted […]