Guest Post: 4 Things to Check Before Taking an Antidepressant The following post was written by Kelly Brogan, MD, a New York Times bestselling author of “A Mind of Your Own.” Dr. Brogan studied cognitive neuroscience at MIT before receiving her MD from Weill Cornell Medical College. Board certified in psychiatry, psychosomatic medicine, and integrative […]
Our environment and our bodies are increasingly being bombarded by electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), dirty electricity, electromagnetic radiation (EMRs), 4G, 5G and electromagnetic pollution: radio frequency radiation (RFR), poor power quality (aka dirty electricity), low frequency electric and magnetic fields, and ground current. “Dirty electricity can be used to describe electric power that has become corrupted […]
“Anxiety is a signal of imbalance; a need for change, inner focus & growth.” —Kelly Brogan, MD One of my long term goals is to set up holistic rehab facilities for patients withdrawing from psychiatric medications. What I have witnessed in my practice around benzodiazepine (“anti-anxiety”) medication dependence has been sobering. Finally, there is an […]
Do you have trouble concentrating, easily forget things, experience brain fog, notice that your memory’s deteriorating, feel depressed for no reason, have trouble sleeping or always feel stressed out? Do you want to optimize brain function, improve memory, and reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia? If so, you’re going to love the information […]
Anxiety and depression are two of the most common mental health concerns in our society. The key to successfully treating depression and anxiety is to identify the root causes and the the hidden triggers. This includes the state of your physical health, how you manage stress, your relationships, nutrient deficiencies, underlying infections, toxic load, a […]
Stress and anxiety…we all experience it and have various coping mechanisms — some healthy and others not so healthy. While short bursts of stress are not harmful, long-term, chronic stress is damaging and detrimental to our health, and linked to disease. There are over 1400 chemical reactions that occur in our bodies body as a […]